Grind: Coarse
Measure out the coffee for the size of press you are using: )
Press Size Amount of coffee
3 cup (350ml) 2 rounded tablespoons (20g)
6 cup (800ml 4 rounded tablespoons (40g)
8 cup (1 Litre) 5 rounded tablespoons (50g)
Fill the press with water that is just off the boil, leaving space for the plunger to be inserted.
Stir the coffee to break up the surface crust and place the lid back on the press to keep the heat in.
Allow to brew for 4 minutes to allow a full extraction of flavour.
After 4 minutes, gently push the plunger down with the spout facing away from you. If the plunger is difficult to press down, pull it back slightly to relieve the pressure and press again.
Serve immediately.
NOTE: Dirty equipment will spoil the coffee flavour. Make sure you clean the press after each use


Grind: Medium-Fine
Pour boiling water into the bottom chamber of the brewer up to, but not over, the level of the safety valve
Grind your coffee medium-fine (between 'drip filter' and 'espresso') and scoop into the filter basket until it is level with the lip of the basket.
Do not compact the coffee, because as the water reaches the grounds they will expand.
With the filter and gasket in place, screw the top and bottom sections together and tighten to seal.
Place it on the stove on medium to medium-high heat and wait
When the water in the tank has been exhausted (that's when you hear the gurgling sound), the coffee is ready to serve.
NOTE: Brewing should take approximately 5 minutes. If it takes longer, try using a slightly higher heat.


Grind: Medium
Grind your coffee to a medium grind-size (not as coarse as French press, not as fine as espresso).
Use 10g (1 heaped tablespoon) of coffee for every cup (180-200ml) of water.
Scoop the coffee grounds into the paper (or mesh) filter.
Fill the machine's water reservoir up to the marking for the number of cups you are making.
Turn the machine on and start brewing.
Once the machine has finished brewing, serve immediately. Leaving the coffee on the hotplate (if the machine has one) for longer than 15-20 minutes will affect the taste of the coffee.


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